Huguette & Roger


Being in the military and Roger ex-military, we know what that means to have many moves.  The first time we came to Mindi and Irwin was with the recommendation of a co-worker and was with a bit of challenge when I and Roger bought our first home from abroad (Washington, DC) with only one week in Ottawa to buy a home.  From our initial meeting we both felt calm and confident and knew we were in great hands.  Now the time has come to sell and we knew Mindi and Irwin Hartman was the team again to provide us an easy and professional sell.  Words can’t express how thrilled I and Roger were selling our house only in three days.  Mindi and Irwin, you are a fantastic team and not only exude empathy but gave us confidence that we would be successful at selling.  Thank you so much for your tireless work!  Your excellent knowledge immediate feedback, honesty sensitivity and top notch professionalisms.  We would highly recommend you to anyone looking to buy or sell a home!

Huguette Fontaine (DND) and Roger Thibeault